Are You One of Kitchener’s Own

0 Comments | Last Updated 29th December 2024 | Added 29th December 2024 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Location | Edit Street View

This mural commemorates the contributions of soldiers from across the British Empire during World War I (1914–1918), emphasizing their sacrifices and unity in service to King and Country. It features iconic imagery, text, and historical references.

Key Features:
Central Image:

A large depiction of the famous "Lord Kitchener Wants You" recruitment poster, showing Lord Kitchener pointing outward with the slogan "Are You One of Kitchener’s Own?"
The background is a Union Jack flag, symbolizing the unity of the British Empire.
Left Panel:

Dedicated to contributions from India, Australia, South Africa, and other colonies.
Includes historical photos of soldiers, such as those from the Indian Army and Gurkhas from Nepal, who served alongside British forces.
Text highlights:
"In 1914 the British Government knew its armed forces were too small to take on the might of the Central Powers. The British Empire was called to arms, and volunteers from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Newfoundland, and the Union of South Africa flocked to the aid of the mother country."

Mentions their role in key battles such as Gallipoli and Ypres, and their lasting contribution to the war effort.
Right Panel:

Honors soldiers from Canada, New Zealand, and Newfoundland.
Features photos of troops in the field and recruitment posters.
Text mentions the significant sacrifices on battlefields such as:
Vimy Ridge
The Somme
Highlights that the graves of fallen soldiers remain as reminders of their debt to the Empire.
Bottom Dedication:

A bilingual tribute in English and French:
English: "To the Glory of God and to the memory of one million dead of the British Empire who fell in the Great War 1914–1918 and of whom the greater part rest in France."
French: "À la gloire de Dieu et à la mémoire du million de morts de l’Empire britannique tombés dans la Grande Guerre 1914–1918 et qui pour la plupart reposent en France."
Imagery of Remembrance:

Red poppies adorn the mural, symbolizing remembrance of the fallen.
Recruitment posters such as "Help" reinforce the call to support the war effort.
Archival photos showcase the diversity of the forces and their dedication.


Mural Type
Date Last Seen/Confirmed
: December 2024
Northumberland Street
County Antrim
Post Code
BT13 2DB


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