You Cannot Break Ireland

1 Comments | Last Updated 24th November 2024 | Added 24th November 2024 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Location | Edit Street View

This mural depicts a politically charged scene, reflecting themes of Irish nationalism and history. At the center is a statue-like figure carrying a symbolic burden, surrounded by a raven and dramatic imagery. To the sides, portraits of individuals are displayed, possibly honoring key figures or martyrs. The bottom section features a call to action, "Vote Sinn Féin, Vote Adams X," indicating its political message aligned with the Sinn Féin party. The artwork also includes individuals dressed in green, likely representing historical or contemporary Irish forces, and the text emphasizes resistance and the fight for freedom. It blends historical and political narratives with artistic expression.


Mural Type
Date Last Seen/Confirmed
: November 2024
Glenalina Road
County Antrim
Post Code
BT12 7JP


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Comments about You Cannot Break Ireland

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The statue in this mural is of the mythological hero Cú Chulainn who was associated with the Ulster cycle of Irish mythology. He was renowned for his strength as a warrior and single-handedly held off an invading army until he was killed. The raven is a symbol of the Irish war goddess, the Morrigan, to who Cú Chulainn was beloved. His story has been used by both Republicans and Unionists in Ulster country for their cause.

Submitted by Wendy on 23rd January 2025

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