Perspicere Skull

0 Comments | Last Updated 14th September 2024 | Added 3rd September 2024 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Location | Edit Street View

The Perspicere Skull mural in Belfast is a striking piece of street art located in the city center, created by the artist known as Perspicere. Known for his intricate thread art, Perspicere crafted this mural using a unique method of weaving thread across nails embedded in the wall, forming a hauntingly detailed skull image. This artwork stands out amidst Belfast's vibrant street art scene, showcasing a blend of traditional graffiti and contemporary art techniques. The Perspicere Skull has become a visual point of interest, reflecting Belfast’s evolving artistic landscape and its embrace of diverse, modern mural styles.

Information and Contact Details

Mural Type
Street Art
Date Last Seen/Confirmed
: 22nd May 2024
: Perspicere
Union Street
County Antrim


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Northern Ireland > Belfast > City Centre > Perspicere Skull

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