Defenders of Our Community Since 1969

0 Comments | Last Updated 25th November 2024 | Added 25th November 2024 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Location | Edit Street View

At the top, the word "INVICTUS" (Latin for "Undefeated") is written, with the English translation in parentheses below it.

Crests and Mottos:
The mural features several crests with accompanying mottos, each framed by golden laurels:
UAF (Ulster Army Faction), 1973: "Feriens Tego" ("Attack to Defend").
Woodvale Defence Association (WDA): Center crest with no motto displayed in this section.
LPA (Loyalist Prisoners' Association), 1973: "Quis Separabit" ("None Shall Separate Us").
UYM (Ulster Young Militants): "Terrae Filius" ("Sons of the Soil").

A large, historical black-and-white photograph is displayed across the bottom of the mural. It depicts armed men in military-style clothing walking through a street, symbolizing the defense of their community.
4. Caption:
Below the photograph, the caption reads:

"Defenders of Our Community Since 1969."

Further text explains:
"In response to indiscriminate sectarian attacks by Republican murder gangs, the Woodvale Defence Association has a proud history of defending the Woodvale and surrounding areas. With the dedication and determination, the members and officers of the WDA served their community in the face of unprovoked, unwarranted and savage attacks."

Several flags are visible on poles extending from the roof, symbolizing affiliations or loyalty.

Background and Setting:
The mural’s background features a blue sky with scattered clouds, giving the scene a patriotic and serene tone.


Mural Type
Date Last Seen/Confirmed
: November 2024
Disraeli Street
County Antrim
Post Code
BT13 3DJ


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