Centenary of Northern Ireland 1921 2021

0 Comments | Last Updated 22nd November 2024 | Added 22nd November 2024 | Edit Details | Edit Photos | Edit Location | Edit Street View

Mural commemorating the Centenary of Northern Ireland (1921-2021). Here’s a detailed description:

Theme: The mural celebrates the 100-year anniversary of Northern Ireland's establishment.

Main Elements:
Dates: The years "1921" and "2021" are prominently displayed, symbolizing the centenary.
Crest: A coat of arms with Northern Ireland symbolism appears at the center, along with the Latin phrase "Floreat Ultona" (which translates to "Let Ulster Flourish").
Portrait: A large, detailed portrait of a historical figure, likely associated with the establishment of Northern Ireland.
Map and Statue: A silhouette of Northern Ireland with a statue superimposed over it appears on the left, identifying counties like:

Historical Imagery: Behind the map and statue are faded historical photographs and events, representing the history of Northern Ireland.
Royal Welcome: Text on the mural reads:
"Ulster welcomes her King & Queen"
Dated: 22nd June 1921

Faces of Leaders/Significant Figures: Small circular portraits of multiple individuals are displayed near the center, likely important figures in the history of Northern Ireland.
NI100 Branding: The logo “NI100” is seen in the bottom-right corner, signifying the official branding for the centenary celebrations.


Mural Type
Date Last Seen/Confirmed
: November 2024
Inniscarn Drrive
County Antrim
Post Code
BT37 9JR


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